Little Theatre of Winston-Salem, Youth Production

June 6, 2003

Befriending Bertha by Kerry Muir

Directed by Matt Farabee

A school on the fringes of a playground. The present.

Bertha - Anna Throup
Charlie - Wells Albritton
Pink - Cate Hendren
Tiny - Eliza Albritton
Woman - Cheri Van Loon

Summer by Gideon Brower

Directed by Julia Sollenberger

Any small town, USA, The present

Older Alice - Annie Carlson
Alice - Sheila Young
Paul - Sean Young
Joey - Kara Harvey
Sam - Grace Tatter
Claire - Scarlet VanLoon
Gina - Christine Stark
Jeffery - Jonathan Moore

Lighting - Steve Knight

Little Theatre of Winston-Salem

Photography by Marshall E. Tyler

© 2003